Six people seated in arm chairs, facing each other, smiling and talking.


The SEHS咨询中心 is dedicated to keeping our students, staff and clients safe. 我们目前提供面对面的咨询, 然而,要求那些来学校的人接种疫苗, 没有生病的迹象吗, and have not knowingly been exposed to COVID 19 within the last 10 days. We will maintain virtual/telehealth sessions for anyone requesting them and/or who do not meet the safety guidelines.

If you are interested in participating in services, please complete the 注册表单.

The SEHS咨询中心 is a no-cost service offering personal and career counseling. It is a teaching and research facility for the counselor education program at 韦德体育app官网. The center enables graduate students to integrate and apply counseling theory with practice, as well as provide supervised professional counseling assistance to persons in need.

The SEHS咨询中心 is a teaching facility for graduate students in the Counseling program. 像这样, we are required to provide close supervision of our counselors by fully licensed professional counselors. Consequently, all sessions will be audio and digitally recorded. These recordings are carefully secured and stored in our center. They are viewed by your counselor’s supervisor (as needed) to provide feedback for your counselor. ALL RECORDINGS ARE COMPLETELY DESTROYED AT THE END OF EACH SEMESTER. 在你第一次预约之前, 你将被要求签署一份同意书, which will give your counselor permission for these recordings. Please discuss this with your counselor or the coordinator if you have further questions or concerns.

Are you looking for someone who will really listen to your concerns? 你需要帮助来处理日常生活问题吗? The SEHS咨询中心 offers caring, confidential, counseling to help with:
  • 焦虑
  • 自信心训练
  • 职业咨询
  • 沟通技巧
  • 悲伤和失落
  • 生命转换 
  • 感情问题
  • 与亲人分离
  • 情境抑郁 
  • 压力管理
  • 考试焦虑
  • 时间管理
  • 还有很多其他问题

专业小组也经常可用, 涵盖的主题, 比如职业转型, 变性男性, 转型中的女性, 育儿, 学习技巧. 儿童个别辅导, 青少年和成年人, couples and family counseling is also available on a limited basis. Contact us to determine if we can offer appropriate services for your needs.

The SEHS咨询中心 is not a crisis center and is not for those who are court ordered into counseling, 严重的精神疾病, 自杀或处理药物滥用问题. Counselors normally do not work with people who are seeing other mental health care providers, except in the case of career exploration and other specific areas of treatment. 在这些情况下,将要求签署一份释放表格.

如果你觉得自己处于危机之中,需要找人倾诉, please use the area appropriate number below as you deem necessary.

  • 马科姆县: 马科姆县危机中心 – (586) 307-9100
  • 奥克兰县: 共同点 – (248) 456-0909 or 1 (800) 231-1127; 奥克兰县青年流动危机小组 – (877) 800-1650
  • St. 克莱尔县: 安全的视野 – (810) 985-5538
  • 韦恩县: 社区服务组织 – (313) 224-7000 
你也可以调用 全国预防自杀生命线 at 988.
A counselor will personally contact you to set up your first appointment. They may call from a non-university phone number and if they leave a message, they will only identify themselves as calling from 韦德体育app官网. 一般, you’ll meet with your counselor for one or two (50 minute) counseling sessions per week for a period of 5–14 weeks. You should plan to come to your first session a bit early to fill out a few forms in order to obtain necessary information. Among these forms is a client consent form which allows sessions to be digitally recorded for the purpose of supervising your counselor. You can also register by calling us or stopping by the office.

Share your feelings and thoughts with someone you feel you can trust, 你和谁在一起很舒服,谁关心你.



Take a few minutes every day to write about your thoughts and feelings. You may also decide to share these writings with your counselor.




Talk with your medical doctor about your sleep patterns if needed.

If you feel you have spiritual needs attend to them in a way that is right for you.

Focusing on one thing at a time may keep you from feeling overwhelmed.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health During Times of Stress and Crisis:
  • 尽可能保持正常的日常生活. 
  • 记住自我照顾:吃, 水合物, 社交(在适当的范围内), 为自己做点什么(喝杯咖啡, 洗个淋浴/浴缸, 散散步, 和你爱的人一起玩游戏, 去骑自行车, 放风筝, 冥想, 杂志, 听音乐, 等.).
  • Take part in hobbies or pleasurable activities as your circumstances allow.
  • 不要与家人和朋友隔绝. Call important people in your life, or visit them via FaceTime or other virtual means.
  • Take a media break — only obtain updates on important facts once or twice a day.
  • Take time to be present: notice, really notice, things around you. Don’t just look at a tree and say “tree” — notice the bark, roots, leaves/buds, branches, twigs, 等.
  • 感官休息:使用你的五种感官. 你看到、感觉到、听到、闻到和尝到了什么?
  • 练习专注和放松. There are multitudes of apps and websites that can help with this.
  • Get back to basics — assure you are meeting your nutritional needs and staying 水合物d.
  • 如果你感到不知所措,寻求帮助.
    • 共同点: 1 (800) 231-1127
    • 全国预防自杀热线: 988
    • 输入“CONNECT”到741741.
Always remember to consult with your medical doctor concerning your health before engaging in any health tips. In case of a health or psychiatric emergency proceed to the nearest emergency room as you deem necessary.

The SEHS咨询中心 is located in 250 Pawley Hall on the campus of 韦德体育app官网 (见图). 如果你需要指路,请拨打(248)370-2633. 当你第一次预约咨询师的时候, you will be given more detailed instructions on where and when to meet.

The SEHS咨询中心 is open year round and is always pleased to accept referrals.

SEHS中心星期日及平时休息 大学放假和停课. The center opens on the first full day of classes and closes on the last day of classes each semester.

  • 周一至周四:上午9点.m. – 9 p.m.
  • 星期五和星期六:上午9点.m. – 3 p.m.


456先锋博士., MI 48309-4482
(248) 370-2018